Saturday, March 14, 2009

minutes and seconds pass. [ this ones really old]

Minute by minute
Second by second.
I feel like I'm dying without you here
Can't help but feel the pain
Can't help but cry like a babe
Just doesn't feel right
Not to have you here next to me
Don't think I can do this
Don't think I can take it
But I'll do it
All just for you
You are my sun
You are my moon
You are the rain during my monsoon
You wash over me with a sudden rush
And relieve the pain that takes over
It's such a long way away
And I can't keep this pain at bay
You're always in my heart
Forever in my soul
You're the only one that understands
The only one who can make me almost pee my pants!
You're the only one for me
Till my last day
You are my all
My everything!!!
I really just wanna die
Because not having you here
It's just eating me away
From the inside out
From the top to the bottom
I can't stop this feeling
It just won't go away
Someday soon
We'll be together again
I'm gonna sit here and pray that it be soon
Even if I have to wait till May
I'll wait forever if I have to
Don't care how long it takes
As long as I have you back in my arms
Instead of so far away!!

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